Wednesday, November 11, 2009

How to look younger?

me and some friends are staying at a hotel in a family room. to get a family room 2 of us have to be 15 (one guy 6'3 no facial hair long ginger hair dresses in jeans and band tee, one girl 5 foot long blonde hair lots of make up dresses very revelaing, one girl 5'2 long black hair with ginger highlights no make up wears all black clothes, one guy 5'9 emo style brown hair very spotty with facial hair wears jeans and white tees) which should be the 15 year olds and how can they look younger

How to look younger?

Many of us still are searching for the Fountain of Youth. We go to all extremes to look younger. We spend endless dollars on surgical face lifts to bioxin treatments. There are other methods, not as drastic, to assist in giving us a more youthful look, make us feel better about ourselves, and not as costly.



Healthy smooth skin and a smile


Healthy smooth skin and a smile

Eat a healthy, nutritious diet and drink 8 glases of water a day. You hear it all the time, you are what you eat. Proper nutrition is key to looking your best and living a longer, healthy life.

2. Try to treat yourself to a weekly Sauna. This helps the blood in your skin circulate better and brings all of the healthy nutrients to your face. You look better and younger! Saunas leave your skin super soft and you'll get an instant healthy glow!

3. Wash your face at least twice a day, gently with a soft wash cloth. Use an exfoliate once a week to remove dead skin, moisturize to replace the moisture removed from the treatment.

4. Use a good quality sun screen to protect your skin to ward off skin cancer.

5. Exercise to improve your shape and muscle tone. Include both aerobic (cardiovascular) as well as anaerobic (strength-building) exercise to be fit, trim and feel great longer.

6. Learn to have a positive, rather than negative attitude. The way you think, reflects on the way you look. Frowning causes wrinkles faster than smiling and makes you look less attractive.


* Look after your skin. Wrinkles are a major age giveaway. Shea butter has all the vitamins you need and it comes in many forms. The easiest way to find it is by - Google nubian heritage,

* There are many fine products available to care for your skin to be found in Department Stores, or discount stores, priced to fit your budget.

* There are also products targeted especially for men.

* Try to avoid sunbathing. Instead of natural tanning or going to a tanning booth (the latter a HUGE NO-NO) use a tanning lotion.


* Too much excercise, or too much Sauna can harm instead of help. Everything in moderation is best.

Hope it helps.Good Luck!!


How to look younger?

grl 5'2 long with black hair shud b da 15 yrs old.. she shud stay at last wen entrin the hotel

How to look younger?

you dont need anything like that its called old fashioned sneaking in, just rent the family suite and get everybody else in later

How to look younger?

You are asking how to defraud a hotel by pretending that two of you are fifteen years old.

I don't think you should do that. The owner of the hotel, if he finds out, could take legal action against you, besides which, it's dishonest.

I think that if more people were honest, the world would be a better place. Don't lower your standards.

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