I am makin my Sweetheart Dance Dress.But i need help chosing what im goin to do. I dont want it to be flashy but i want it to be beautiful.
I am light brown and i have brown eyes.My hair is black.Im Half Korean and Black.My hair is nice and long,its thick,and it isnt past my butt its about a foot higher.
SEE if u can give me a hair style to.And i have Curves just so u Know.
I am makin my Sweetheart Dance Dress But i need help chosing what im goin to do,PLZ HELP!?
a bright colored dress so you'll stand out and not look flashy. dress should be form-fitting and maybe long as down to the middle of your calf (wuteva its called) or close to your knees. try a bright red or blue. try a long curly, wavy hairstyle, mayb wit some twists or braids or something similar and qte in the front.
I am makin my Sweetheart Dance Dress But i need help chosing what im goin to do,PLZ HELP!?
You should go to joanns and look at the dress direction packets to see what you like.At the one by my house,they have really cute dresses that you can make at home for way cheaper then buying one.
I am makin my Sweetheart Dance Dress But i need help chosing what im goin to do,PLZ HELP!?
CLOTHES :make it pink or strawberry red... then make one slender sash coming down the sholder. make it sparkly. with sleeves that just cover the sholder that have wavey ends.
HAIR: put your hair down and take two parts on each side bring them to the back and put them in a ponytail.
I am makin my Sweetheart Dance Dress But i need help chosing what im goin to do,PLZ HELP!?
i thing this can be very easy so let see you need to put your hair back and cruel or rope it please send a photo to do my thing
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