my eyes POP!i have dark brown eyes which are so dark that people usually mistake them for black.they are petal shaped and big, and many peopple adore them. i am an indian with jet black hair,(STRAIGHT AND LONG)(SILKY), and i have wheatish skin tone which is REALLY CLEAR.GIVE ME SOME MAKE-UP TIPS PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????I REALLY NEED THOSE TIPS!!!!I AM AN TEENAGER WITH NO ACNE PROBLEMS!!!!!!!!!!!i want to look natural with my make-up style. do you think that black eyeliner ans black mascara is too HARSH?AS if now, i wear only black eyeliner everyday:nothing else.i am 13 years old if that helps........................ :) :) : ): ):)
Which type of make-up will make.............................
OMG! I bet you are so gorgeous! It doesn't sound like you need very much to enhance your image.
There are two things that are vital to making the most of your eyes.
1. The right eyebrow shape.- Take a long eyeshadow brush and hold it straight up, resting against your nostril. Where the tip meets the brow is where you should begin. To find where they should end, hold it diagonally from the corner of your eye. End where the inside of the pencil hits. The arch should be just past the iris.
Maintain a nice, neat shape without over plucking. Comb your brows and fill them in with pencil or powder in a color that matches your natural color. Use short feathery strokes. Finish with brow gel or clear mascara to hold the shape.
Seriously, the shape of your brow can change how your whole face looks. You will be amazed at how much this small thing will do for you.
2. Curl your eyelashes! Curled eyelashes open up the whole eye area, make the eyes look bigger, and seem brighter because you can see more of the white area. Start at the base and then again closer to the ends. To achieve a heavy lidded, "bedroom eyes" effect, (like Marilyn Monroe) curl just the ends, or top part of your lashes. You might want to try a colored mascara, like blue or plum to make your eyes stand out.
Shimmery colors in the center of the eye will really make them stand out. Greens, lilacs, and light blues are very flattering on olive skin. Remember- dark colors will cause features to recede, and are good for contour. Light colors will bring features forward, and will highlight that area. Try charcoals, grays, and earth tones in the crease and the inner corners of your eye. Dot them across the lash line, as close to the lash as possible. For a smoky look, smudge with a sponge applicator. For an exotic look, try a powder or liquid liner in a solid line, turning up slightly at the ends. Be careful not to go too far. If you make a mistake, dip a q-tip in make-up remover and dab where needed.
Brush lighter, more shimmery colors along the brow line or blended into the center of the lower lid. To line eyes with brighter colors, start off lightly near the inner corner, increasing the tone as you reach the outer corners for an almond eyed effect. For a rounder eye look, the heaviest color should be in the center.
I recommend the book "Making Faces" by Kevin Aucoin, for step by step instructions on how to create dozens of looks.
Remember- Practice makes perfect, and nothing is more beautiful than self-confidence.
Which type of make-up will make.............................
Supposedly purple shade make brown eyes pop but I think that's a little gaudy...I'd take your eyeliner and line around the whole waterline (the inner rim), you can do it top and bottom just be careful and sharpen your eyeliner every time you do it. A little grey eye shadow, not shiny or glittery, near your lash line will look nice too.
Which type of make-up will make.............................
Hey! I'm 14 years old, and have been through the same thing of not knowing what kind of make up to where! My suggestion to you is to try some Maybelline New York eye shadow, it looks so good, and just use a little bit of eye liner. Oh and use like a light purple, blue or silver.
Which type of make-up will make.............................
Black mascara can be too harsh, and may not help if you people usually mistake your brown eyes for black. For mascara I would suggest a brown/black or dark brown. It is more natural and less harsh. Maybelline Lash Finder is a good mascara.
As far as eyeshadows go, if you want to make your eyes really "pop" use lighter shades, darker shades will make them seem to recede. Light taupes (brown) and perhaps some bronze tones seem to be right for you.
Amazingly enough the right shade of blush can actually attract to your eyes by giving you more defined cheek bones. I find my dark blue eyes are more noticeable when I where a pale pink blush. For your skin a Tawny or Soft Pink blush is best and I recommend Australis and CoverGirl blushes.
So overall I recommend wearing Brown Mascara (with or without eyeliner) and a natural, pale shade of eyeshadow and a natural looking blush. For school you could probably do without eyliner and save it for evenings.
I swear by Bobbi Brown's advice and a good article to read would be this one . You may want to read her book called TEENAGE BEAUTY.
Another good site is where you can search for your top ten colours.
Enjoy and hope I helped.
Which type of make-up will make.............................
i would use dark grey or dark brown eyeshadow with corresponding liner, and use a black mascara.
Which type of make-up will make.............................
Me too!!! Umm i use American Beauty Mascara, which you can get at Kohls Department stores, it looks so good, seriously. I also use American Beauty Eyeliner and it makes my eyes pop, it looks really good. I am sorry that i dont have any pics, but trust me this stuff works!!
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